food manufacturing supply in Guishan District

About 7 results.

food manufacturing supply
Guishan District


Dongshun Street 80-2, 238 Shulin District, Taiwan

心、手揉出真實口感是喬麥屋的製麵理念,好麥、好水、好鹽,是喬麥屋的品質堅持,以60年的製麵理念與堅持,展現麵條的豐富多樣性。我們看似簡單普通的麵粉,經過攪拌、發酵、揉壓、條切、風乾等工序後而變成麵條,其中有著極大的學問。郭董經常謙虛的說:『做麵咱真憨慢,所以要不斷研究!』這句話更驅使他每天在製麵廠裡,對於配方比例不厭其煩的一試再試,單純的努力只是為了讓消費者吃到好吃的麵條。 喬麥屋的麵條之所以好吃,是因為,每一位夥伴眼中,都看的到對麵條的熱情與用心,「我們的麵條會呼吸」這是郭吳乞董事長對自家麵條的驕傲宣言,麵不再只是飽食,是您我嘴裡慢慢咀嚼的真實感動。


Jianguo East Road 22, 330 Taoyuan District, Taiwan

The product has be listed in bom. FSP Group is one of the global leading power supply makers. Since its establishment in 1993, FSP Group has followed the managerial philosophies “service, profession, and innovation” to continuously fulfill its responsibilities as a green energy resolution supplier.


Xinghua Road 14, 330 Taoyuan District, Taiwan

meiji 日本明治冰淇淋台灣總代理。明治は「食」と「健康」。免付費客服電話 0800038906 日本明治冰淇淋台灣地區唯一總代理。取得ISO22000及HACCP品質認證服務遍及全省各大零售及餐飲通路。專業全省冷凍配送,確保商品優良品質。若有任何需求,請電洽免付費客服專線。


Taoying Road 411, 330 Taoyuan District, Taiwan

FSP Technology Inc.

Jianguo East Road 22, 33341 Guishan District, Taiwan

The product has be listed in bom. FSP Group is one of the global leading power supply makers. Since its establishment in 1993, FSP Group has followed the managerial philosophies “service, profession, and innovation” to continuously fulfill its responsibilities as a green energy resolution supplier.

Tetra Pak Ltd.

Wenming 3rd Street 4, 333 Guishan District, Taiwan

Tetra Pak is the world's leading food processing and packaging solutions company working closely with our customers and suppliers to provide safe food.


Wende Road 27, 333 Guishan District, Taiwan

Advantech is a leading brand in IoT intelligent systems, Industry 4.0, machine automation, embedding computing, embedded systems, transportation, environment monitoring, power automation, retail, logistics, fleet management, healthcare IT, medical solutions, servers, industrial and network computin…

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